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회원가입일 07/31/2024
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등록 객실 (맵으로 보기)


  • Lau Francis

    홍대입구역 도보 9분 화이트 우드&빈티지 감성하우스 라오

    House was clean and well maintained. Beds were comfortable with heating effect, so it’s really warm for the cold winter nights. Full kitchen utensils provided which were clean and looked new. Washing machine and drying rack is a plus. Neighborhood is quiet and not too far from the Hongdae Shopping area. Many good restaurants around. Most importantly, host is very friendly and responsive. He puts in effort to make sure we had a good stay there.

N 네이버 로그인

K 카카오 로그인

F 페이스북 로그인

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