[ An-dong ] An dong Kim Tae Jang Jae Sa ( Lee Sang Roo ) - Big Room

  • [ An-dong ] An dong Kim Tae Jang Jae Sa ( Lee Sang Roo ) - Big Room
  • [ An-dong ] An dong Kim Tae Jang Jae Sa ( Lee Sang Roo ) - Big Room
  • [ An-dong ] An dong Kim Tae Jang Jae Sa ( Lee Sang Roo ) - Big Room
  • [ An-dong ] An dong Kim Tae Jang Jae Sa ( Lee Sang Roo ) - Big Room
  • [ An-dong ] An dong Kim Tae Jang Jae Sa ( Lee Sang Roo ) - Big Room
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  안동김씨 태장재사는 경상북도 안동시 서후면 태장리에 위치해 있는 고택으로 경북민속자료 제26호로 1981년 4월 25일 지정 받았다. 안동 김씨 종중에서 관리하고 있으며 고려 태조 때의 공신이자 안동 김씨 시조인 김선평의 단소를 지키고 문중회의를 하던 곳이다. 건물 3개 동이 있고 이곳에서 매년 음력 10월10일에 묘제를 지내고 있다.

  1750년에 건립하여 여러번의 중수를 거쳐 오늘날에 이르렀다는 태장재사는 도로와 인접해 있는데도 전혀 그런 느낌이 나지 않고 울창한 숲 가운데 있는 것처럼 주변에 오래된 수목들이 많다. 또 태장재사로 들어서는 오솔길 양 옆으로 회양목과 측백나무 등이 줄지어 심어져 있고 잘 다듬어져 있어 이곳을 관리하는 안동김씨 문중의 노고가 느껴진다.

태장재사의 이상루는 하늘을 향해 날개를 뻗은 듯 아름다운 기와지붕 곡선에 시선을 빼앗기고 7칸이나 되는 큰 2층 목조누각에서 발산되는 기품있는 모습은 방문자의 마음을 주눅들게 한다. 이상루는 제사를 위해 지어진 건축물로 규모가 제법 커서 많은 사람들이 한꺼번에 행사를 치러도 문제 없다.

측면은 2칸으로 팔작지붕 모양으로 되어 있는데 지붕의 모습을 가만히 보고 있으면 눈가에 미소를 지으며 쳐다보는 것 같은 부드러운 한옥의 매력에 푹 빠져 버리고 만다. 바로 옆의 고직사로 들어가는 문이 열려 있는데 'ㅁ'자 형태로 건물이 배치되어 가운데 자연스럽게 마당이 형성되어 있다. 그 가운데 서있으면 안락하고 편안한 분위기를 느낄 수 있다.

  사각으로 잘 다듬은 돌담 위로 고택이 들어서 있어 올려다 보고 있으면 당당한 고택의 모습에 압도 된다. 안 쪽에서 이상루를 바라보면 한지로 바른 방문 사이로 따뜻한 햇살이 뚫고 들어와 온화한 느낌을 주고, 난간의 목조 조각들은 하나의 예술작품처럼 섬세하고 예쁘다. 안과 밖이 이렇게 다른 느낌을 주고 있어 신비스럽고, 주변의 자연 경관과 하나되는 고택의 모습에서 한옥의 매력을 다시 한 번 느끼게 된다.                     

◦Accommodates (standard/max): 15/  20

※ For every additional guest over the standard number : KRW 10,000

◦Room rate: KRW 200,000 

[Near attraction]

Hahoe Folk Village

The Hahoe Folk Village is a traditional village from the Joseon Dynasty. The village

is a valuable part of Korean culture because it preserves Joseon period-style architecture, folk traditions, valuable books, and old tradition of clan-based villages.

The village maintains old architectural styles that have been lost because of rapid modernization and development in South Korea. Aristocratic tile-roofed residences and thatched-roof servants' homes preserve the architectural styles of the Joseon Dynasty. Wonjijeongsa Pavilion and Byeongsan Confucian School are two notable structures in the village. The village has preserved the shamanist rite of Byeolsin-gut and preserved Hahoe masks used in the Hahoe Mask Dance. Another rite still practiced is the Jeulbul Nori which uses strings of fireworks fired at the base of the Buyongdae Cliff. The village was listed by the South Korea government as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2010, along with Yangdong Folk Village.


- No pet allowed

- No smoking


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Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, 韓国



  • 1泊あたり 200,000 ₩KRW
  • 標準宿泊人数 15
  • 追加料金 10,000 ₩KRW


  • リターンポリシー 普通
  • 追加のキャンセルポリシー For stays of 28 nights or more, the long-term cancellation policy is applied.



  • 正確性
  • コミュニケーション
  • 清潔さ
  • ロケーション
0 結果中 1-0
Save your money

Lower service fee rate and special deal

You can save about $10 with wehome’s affordable service fee policy. You will save at least 50% of service fee comparing to Airbnb.

Save your money and enjoy Korea more.

へのメッセージ Shin Ja Lee

[ An-dong ] An dong Kim Tae Jang Jae Sa ( Lee Sang Roo ) - Big Room



リターンポリシー: 普通

Standard cancellation policy : 普通

普通: チェックイン予定日5日前までにキャンセルすれば100%返金(ただしサービス料金は除く)

  • If you cancel from 5 days before check-in to just before check-in, 50% of the accommodation fee will be paid to the host.
  • If the cancellation occurs between 5 days and 1 day before check-in, 50% of the accommodation fee will be paid to the host. The service fee corresponding to the amount paid to the host will be deducted from the refund.
  • If they cancel after that, the host will be paid for each night they stay, plus 1 additional night, plus 50% for all unspent nights.
For long-term stays of 28 nights or more, the Long Term Firm cancellation policy applies instead of the standard refund policy set by the host.
The cleaning fee is refundable only if the reservation is canceled before check-in.
The service fee is refundable only for cancellations made before the check-in time or check-in.
If service fees are refundable, they will be refunded according to the percentage set by the cancellation policy.
The booking time is based on the final confirmation time, not the guest's booking request time.
The time and date applied to the cancellation policy are based on Korean Standard Time.
A reservation cancellation due to unavoidable reasons such as natural disasters may be eligible for a refund regardless of the refund policy.
View cancelation policy
リターンポリシー: Long Term Firm

Long term Firm (28 nights or more): Full refund (including fees) if canceled at least 30 days before check-in

-It will apply to all stays of 28 days or longer and overrides your standard cancellation policy for those stays. To receive a full refund, guests must cancel at least 30 days before check-in.
-If a guest cancels after that, you’ll be paid 100% for all nights spent, plus 30 additional nights.
-If fewer than 30 days remain on the reservation when the guest cancels, you’ll be paid 100% for all of those remaining nights.
For long-term stays of 28 nights or more, the Long Term Firm cancellation policy applies instead of the standard refund policy set by the host.
The cleaning fee is refundable only if the reservation is canceled before check-in.
The service fee is refundable only for cancellations made before the check-in time or check-in.
If service fees are refundable, they will be refunded according to the percentage set by the cancellation policy.
The booking time is based on the final confirmation time, not the guest's booking request time.
The time and date applied to the cancellation policy are based on Korean Standard Time.
A reservation cancellation due to unavoidable reasons such as natural disasters may be eligible for a refund regardless of the refund policy.
View cancelation policy

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